Bitumen is generally for industrial use. Bitumen was first used for its natural adhesive and waterproofing characteristics. Bitumen was first used to bind building materials together, as well as to line the bottoms of ships. 

Bitumen is composed of complex hydrocarbons and contains elements such as calcium, iron, sulfur, and oxygen. The quality of Bitumen and ease of production depends on the source and type of crude oil it is derived from. Bitumen is used most often in road paving. Manufacturers use it in the manufacturing of roofing products due to its waterproofing qualities. 

Bitumen has different grades that are used in different industries according to the application. Below are the different applications of bitumen based on different types of bitumen including Penetration Bitumen (Road Paving), Oxidized Bitumen (Water Proofing), Bitumen Emulsions (Air Port Runways) and Cutback Bitumen (wearing course)

Penetration Bitumen

  • Road Paving

Cutback Bitumen

  • Prime Coat (Open and Tight Surface)
  • Dust Binder
  • Sand Seal
  • Single and Multiple Surface Treatment

Emulsion Bitumen

  • Prime, Tack and Seal Coating
  • Chip and Fog Seal
  • Asphalt Sealer
  • Cold Mix Asphalt

Oxidized Bitumen

  • Water Proofing
  • Pipe Coating
  • Bituminous Membrane